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Swap Shop radio, Suys 10 AM - Noon on AM 1030, KVOI. Buy , sell , or trade anything you want live on the radio. The unregulated (except by common sense) free market in action.

Liberty Watch, then America Armed & Free, Sundays 12:05 to 2 PM Mountain Standard, right after Swap Shop. Listen live on Sundays at: , and click on "listen live." 

To book a guest:

 Contact Liberty Watch 

Charles Heller  --  Your Host and Producer

If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information. Please state exactly what it is you want.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What else do you do?
    I sell radio commercials on KVOI, KGMS, and KCEE, Tucson. I can help you place ads
    on any station in the country. Samples of my work are archived on . I am the Executive Director of JPFO, .
    I am the executive director of JPFO, Jews For The Preservation of Firesrms Ownership. .
    I am co-founderof Arizona Citizens Defense League, and am its communications director. .
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  • Why do you do this?
    Because freedom isn't free. It requires constant vigilance and meticulous monitoring.
    Freedom is also messy, and requires TOLERANCE, especially of those things of which
    you do not necessarily approve.
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  • Are you an anarchist?
    Heavens no! I appreciate good government which stays within the lawful bounds of Article
    1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Good faith is everything. Government can never be
    assumed to have it, so always keep checking.
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  • Are you Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or what?
    None of the above. I call myself a freedomist. The politics of left and right are a diversion
    from the truth. If the jackboot of government is on your throat, what matter if it is the left
    or right boot? We are either marching towards freedom or tyrany - the only two poles that
    matter. And if you're standing still, it's a retrograde motion.
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  • Sometime you have a "hard edge." Why?
    I try to keep good control of my emotions. Usually I use humor to try to break through
    frustration. Every now and then it comes out a little harsh.
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  • Why are you so into guns?
    My Dad showed me how a G.I. 45 went together and came apart at age 6, and told me when
    I could do it myself I could shoot it. I finally got it right at age 11, and got to shoot that .45
    for my birthday. It made music so sweet that I never lost the tune. I joined an Explorer Post
    in Chicago that shot every Tuesday night at the local National Guard Armory. Also shot in
    Boy Scouts, and had a BB gun range in my Grandfather's basement. Guns are both a
    symbol and a tool of freedom. I have Liberty Watch so that there are avenues other than
    force to solve problems with government. I don't want to live in the type of society where
    the only answer to government is over the front sight of a rifle. Liberty Watch is a lesser,
    if no less effective tool unto that purpose; solving problems.

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  • Is Liberty Watch a balanced show?
    Of course not! It is biased in favor of freedom, and based on objective reality. This is activist
    radio, without the head banging. We do not interrupt each other, and practice civil discourse.
    We attack the point of view, NOT the person. Oh and by the way, if you're a racist, or engage
    in profanity, please do us the honor of your eternal silence. It's one of the very few ways to get
    cut off.
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    Liberty Watch exists to inform the people of the American Republic of their
    God granted, Constitutionally guaranteed rights. It is on Sundays on Tucson's 
    voice of freedom, KVOIAM 1030,Tucson from 12 PM to 2 PM MST, right after
    Swap Shop. It is produced and hosted by Charles Heller.

    I offer recordings of commercial spots for radio, on hold phone scripts, and
    audio dramas,such as "The death of Free Speech." written by Doug Patton
    and performed by Charles Heller, Quinn Malone, and Mike Fascetta. This
    piece is archived at:

    I am available for public speaking and the writing of articles and guest
    opinions on topics of freedom, firearms, self defense, home and personal
    protection, talk radio, the free market, buying and selling goods in the free
    market, and the constriction of government to live within its own laws in
    the form of peacable activism.

    Charles Heller: originally from Chicago, where I escaped the clutches of
    statism in 1978, in search of freedom in Arizona. I attended Northern
    Illinois University and Pima College, escaping both without a degree.

    I have two grown children. I owned an advertising specialty company for
    18 years, starting the Swap Shop Radio Show on April 11, 1999, and
    Liberty Watch on January 27, 2002. I make my living selling radio.

    I am an  advocate, and activist for God granted, Constitutionally
    guaranteed rights.


    In 1974 - 76, I helped work on the restoration of the USS Silversides, then at
    Navy Peir in Chicago, as a museum. Now moored in Muskeegon Michigan,
    she is one of only 13 extant WWII American fleet diesel boats. She is a fleet
    diesel boat of the Gato Class.

    What a REAL American bicycle looks like:

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