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Bookings with Liberty Watch / America Armed & Free:

Dear Publicists, Authors, & Guests -

I want to do the most informative and entertaining talk radio possible. Your reading of this page helps that, AND helps YOUR CLIENT sell his or her books and ideas. Here's the info you need:

Host: Charles Heller   

Station: AM 1030 KVOI Tucson. 10,000 watts. 

Footprint: South Phoenix to Nogales, Gila Bend to NM Border.

Swap Shop: 10 - 11 AM - Buying, selling and trading live on the radio, with commentary and sound effects
Liberty Watch - 11 AM - Noon - So that government remains servant, not master.
America Armed & Free - About things with a muzzle, a nozzle, or a blade.

We do not change our clocks in Arizona for daylight savings.  
During Daylight Savings, we are 3 hours behind NY.
Off of Daylight Savings, we are 2 hrs behind NY.

10 Things you need to know:

1) We usually book  4 - 8 weeks out, via e-mail. PLEASE answer e-mail over a copy of all previous ones on the same topic. 

2) If there's a book, I do my best to read them cover to cover. I need it 10 days before air, because I actually read them.                
      Electronic is my preference. to Paper books go to:
    Charles Heller  
    3222 S. Richey  
    Tucson, Az. 85713.

3) Send a bio, with who the really guest is, where from, education, and maybe a hobby or favorite milk shake flavor or pistol caliber. No resumes or full CV's.

4) Often, the guest calls the VIP line, especially if promoting a book. 520 790 2836. That's not a RULE, just what usually happens...
 if it's busy, see below. I run my own board so it's easier if you call me, but I'm happy to call you if you like. Book authors do call me, generally...

5)  Don't call in early. 

6) I need a backup guest number, pref cell, and their e-mail. They should expect a confirmation call 24 hours and 1 hour before air. 

7) How to get the most from your interview:
    A. Know the host and show names, and the premise of the program (above.)
    B. Give your website freely without being asked, on air.
    C. Grab the recording of your interview, posted at ,and use it for promotion.

    D. Answer the questions that are asked. You are agreeing to those terms if you make this booking
    E. Have a source to quote for any fact that is not in evidence. Guest, host, and callers are held to that standard.
    F. Feel free to disagree or poke fun at the host. 

8) Breaks occur at :15, :30, and :45, When you hear the music, please pause.


10) DO NOT USE  A SPEAKER PHONE OR A BLUE TOOTH HEADSET. They feed back, making it very hard to hear. Please use the handset!

If you get a busy signal on the VIP line and you are not calling early, try the listener line, below. If you still can't get through, text me at 520 870 2700.

VIP  Line:         520 790 2836
Listener Line:  520 790 2040 (Use this if you can't get through on VIP Line.)
Host Direct:     520 870 2700 mobile Text is best option for communication.


That's the basics - reading the rest is optional, but not a bad idea! 


The first hour is Liberty Watch, dedicated to the notion that government forever remain servant, not master. The second hour is America Armed & Free and is the only firearms related program in Southern Arizona. Half of the topics are on the right to keep and bear arms and the other half about some technical aspect of something that shoots, flies, or cuts, and military history.

I make it a point to say the book title, company or organization name at least twice a segment, and encourage the giving of web sites during the interview. Callers are welcomed, but the main conversation will be between host and the guest. This leads to a probative show with a sense of decorum and respect, without getting stodgy. I try to keep it light and utter a wisecrack once a segment to keep it lively.

Guests are rarely interrupted, except by the clock, but this is is a dialog, not a diatribe, with give and take. They will be asked to justify the underlying premise of any statements where FACTS are not in evidence. The show is about reason and thoughts, not feelings.

I do not blind side or ambush. Please make points or disagree after answering a question,  If the guest  ducks questions, that will become the topic. If you can't give a concise, honest answer, I wish you success on someone else's program. There is no ideological test to be on the program, only an intellectual honesty bar.

I'm correctable on air. It is called Liberty Watch, not the Charles Heller Show because Liberty is the star, not me.The motto of the program is "andiatur et alterna pars," - "let the other side be heard." Most topic interviews are a half hour, most book interviews an hour.

Swap Shop. is a 1 hour, (Sunday, 10 AM - 11 AM)  free market, buy, sell and trade show. It is the unregulated free market, governed by common courtesy & common sense. People with an interesting service, especially if about antiques, values determination, or things which would interest a "good deals" audience, are welcomed. Interviews on this program, while rare, go no more than 15 minutes.

Liberty Watch begins at 11 AM MST, followed by America Armed & Free at 12:00, and runs till 1 PM, MST.

All programs are streamed live on the web ( ) so guest's fans can tune in and call. The guest usually calls the VIP line, listed below. In the event there are two guests, the second one calls the listener line, above.  

I strongly encourage each publicist & guest listen to 5 minutes of the program. You will understand exactly how I operate if you do, and it will make for a better informed guest that you send me. The interview will also be posted at: , for 6 months.  Improvement suggestions for program, communications, or interviews, are welcomed.

Really bad publicity agents are published here: Only read this if you have the time, or wish to be entertained by the antics of your compatriots who shoot themselves in the foot. (I only lower the boom on those who richly deserve it.  {: - )

If you have done the due dilligence of reading this, congratulations on being what we call H.U.E.O. - "heads up and eyes open."


Topic Areas Covered By Show

Atomic Power                                      
Bill Of Rights        
Constitution, Law      
Consumer Protection  (limited)    
Courage, Duty, Honor     
Economics &Taxation   
Emergency Preparedness    
Firearms, Knives, Tactical Gear
Free Speech  
Government Abuse                   
Historical Events in War
Military Service    
Naval History
Prosperity, business success
Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Space & Flight       
Technology, The Future                                                                         

Topic Areas NOT Covered By Show

Alien Abduction
Candidates, except specific topic interviews
Chem Trails
Generally, Health 
Glamour, Fitness     
Sexual Orientation (nobody cares)
Sports, unless athlete had some other accomplishments
Most Celebrity Topics, except occasionally on Swap Shop                                        
Outlandish Conspiracies
Plants, gardening  (unless for preparedeness)
9/11/01 "conspiracy" Insanity
UFO's, unless incidental to the story or related to news incidents
Racist screeds (historical racial topics will be considered on merit.)
Politics of Party (No candidate interviews)
The program accepts no candidate political advertising.



    It is the policy of Liberty Watch, and America Armed & Free, that if we obtain any samples, test equipment, or products that are not consumed in the testing, and not on loan only, will be given to members of the audience. In the event that the host elects to keep an item, you will be paid the wholesale cost of that item, except for ammunition, pellets, BB's, and CO2 cartridges, food samples, calume sticks, and other such consumable items. .

    The host DOES NOT accept gifts of any kind from guests on the program, nor offer any quid pro quo for appearances. Any firearms or air guns loaned to the program will be returned in a timely manner, or purchased.

    Any books sent for interview purposes do not fall under this catagory, as they are necessary tools to do an interview, not "products," as such. Any books sent electronically will not be forwarded, unless by specific permission to do so. Intellectual property rights will be respected here. 

Charles Heller
520 870 2700 m

What the Guests Say:

7 30 18

My interview on Charles Heller’s Liberty Radio was refreshing as well as being intellectually challenging. His questions and observations showed that he was familiar with the material covered. He gave me ample opportunity to express my opinions but challenged me on several of my statements. Charles was the quintessential host, polite, thoughtful, and never condescending. If only more hosts followed his lead.

Jamie Dodson

Author of the award-winning Nick Grant Adventures Series, and
HUNTING THE WIND Pan American Airways Epic Flying Boat Era, 1929 - 1946

8 14 18

I think Charles Heller is one of the very best interviewers in America today.  He reads the books carefully, asks thorough probing questions and gives the author sufficient time to examine the subject at hand in detail.  Most interviews consist of little more than sound bytes; Charles' interviews are broad-yet-in-depth explorations of serious, important topics. 

Robert Gleason
Author of "The Evil That Men Do"
Managing Editor, Tor Forge Books

12 11 19 

Charles Heller’s show America Armed & Free is refreshingly straightforward and prioritizes facts over feelings. In his recent interview with Vietnam veteran Tom Copeland, Charles was respectful and engaging and kept up an interesting dialogue with Tom, while remaining tactful about more sensitive subjects. He did not shy away from asking questions about PTS and the horrors of war, but let the guest decide how much information he was comfortable sharing. The interview flowed in a conversational style and Charles explained succinctly and simply terms and concepts that the audience might not be familiar with. Overall, he was gracious with his guest on the air and the show was intellectually stimulating.

Bethany King
Sunberry Press
Booking Agent for Tom Copeland Interview

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